Emissions & Fluxes

For 20 years, KASSAY has been a world leading pioneer in the use of op-ftir data in combination with dispersion modeling to determine emission rates, total fluxes, and downwind impact.  Since op-ftir data measures along an entire path, emission rates and fluxes can be determined when combined with meterological data.

The RAM2000 G2 software (RMMSoft) has a built-in integrated feature that allows for combination of weather and OP-FTIR data to calculate emission rates.

Op-ftir | Reading, PA | 610-916-8988
RMMSoft-Emission Rate Receptors
Op-ftir | Reading, PA | 610-916-8988
RMMSoft-Emission Rate Plume Capture
Op-ftir | Reading, PA | 610-916-8988
RMMSoft-Emission Rate Chemicals
Op-ftir | Reading, PA | 610-916-8988
Pollution Rose

Modeling approach is based on application and data quality objectives.

Tracer Ratio Technique:   Typically the most accurate way to determine emission rates is to ratio the measured concentration of a target chemical to the measured concentration of a tracer gas released at a known rate.  RMMSoft has the tracer ratio algorithm built into the analytical software.



Radial Plume mapping (VRPM & HRPM) : Radial plume mapping techniques have been employed with KASSAY's RAM2000 OP-FTIR systems in Israel, Taiwan, Canada, and the US.  The technique involves collecting open path FTIR data along different beam paths to determine plume characteristics and hot spots.  Some examples of RPM projects are as follows:

AFPM Paper ENV-12-58



Atmospheric Gaussian Dispersion Modeling of OP-FTIR Concentration Data

Steady State Gaussian Dispersion models (AERMOD):  Without using tracer, a Gaussian model that predicts plume behavior can be employed.  Meteorological data is combined with open path (eg: OP-FTIR) concentration data to 'unity' model  emissions based on input parameters.  Subsequently, emission rates of target chemicals are determined.  KASSAY employs an integrated solution for real-time emission rate determination named ecalc based on AERMOD.

E-Calc Description



Inverse Steady State (sometimes called Backward Lagrangian) models:  KASSAY's RAM2000 OP-FTIR data can be inverse modeled using Lagrangian Stochastic (bLS) models.  Both the HEGADAS-S and the WindTrx(R) have been utilized to determine emission fluxes from large disposal ponds.

Summary_Final Pond Study 2015-2017_new

East WY_Pond Study_Final 2016

Non Steady State (Puff Dispersion) model: For large areas such as industrial parks,  KASSAY supplies an integrated model named RAM-PUFF which is based on CALPUFF.   Point, area, and line sources can be simulated as a 'bouyant puff'  or a 'continuous stream.'  RAM-PUFF allows for source attribution and plume finding in real time.

RAM-Puff-Marketing:(pdf file)RAM-Puff-Marketing:(presentation file)

Automated-Plume-Finding-Software (contact KASSAY for more info...)