Kassay – RAM2000 Open Path FTIR Systems

KASSAY is a world-wide supplier of specialized open path FTIR spectrometers and accessories used for gas detection, air monitoring, and remote sensing of chemical plumes. KASSAY's spectrometers are based on RAM2000-Technology which allows target chemicals to be quantified at the lowest detection limits within complex measurement environments.
Open path RAM2000 based spectrometers are used to remotely measure the concentration of chemicals in gas (vapor) phase in real time. The RAM2000 is the only open path FTIR spectrometer with USEPA's Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program. Applications for RAM2000 spectrometers are open path fence line monitoring, leak detection, ambient air testing, green house gas monitoring, military (agent) threat monitoring.
Multiple gas RAM2000 monitors such as the FS, EX, AA, and MS are highly specialized FTIR spectrometer coupled with multipass gas cells. The multi-gas spectrometers are use to sample gas streams such as process, stacks, vents, ducts, exhausts, tanks, and other sources of vapor plumes.
KASSAY celebrates 20 years of dedicated service to world-wide companies, armed services, governmental authorities and research institutions. RAM2000 systems are available for sale, lease, or turn key services.

Continuous Monitoring Software
RAM2000 systems are controlled by RMMSoftTM continuous monitoring software. The software includes patented alogorithms to handle measurement challenges inherent in open path FTIR data.
The mature and robust software is designed to control hardware devices through seperate servers, while continually collecting analyzing and presenting chemical concentrations results in real time.

Proven Design & Reliability
RAM2000 systems manufactured in the 1990's are still in use today. Hardware and software are continually updated to take advantage of the latest technology. New components are created with state of the art design and modeling software to improve performance and determine efficiency.
The RAM2000-OP Newtonian optic design which allows monitoring distances to be extended to 500 meters with a standard size retro reflector.