
Agricultural Monitoring • Airport & Transportation • Chemical Agents • Chemical Facilities • Fenceline Monitoring • Greenhouse Gases • Indoor Air Quality •Industrial Facilities • Landfills & Remediation • Mobile Installations • Oil & Gas • Stacks & Flares • Wastewater Treatment

Agricultural Monitoring

Monitoring for swine emissions as part of National Pork Producers Council NPPC)"Odor Solutions Initiative".
Monitoring downwind of feed stock at midwest farm.

Airport & Transportation

RAM2000 set up below a busy highway overpass.
The RAM2000 was used to monitor a Government (public) building entry and throughfare in Taiwan.

Chemical Agents & Facilities

In 2000, Marines got a chance to train with the RAM2000 detector during testing at Dugway Proving Ground. The system can remotely quantify chemical agents at ranges up to one kilometer by measuring the quantity of gases in the atmosphere. (Photo by Melanie Moore)
Fifteen different field tests were carried out using simulated chemical warfare agents (CWA's). Real CWA's were used in twenty-two controlled indoor chamber tests. Very low levels of many chemicals can be detected and measured by the RAM2000 in real world situations. Please contact us for details.

Fenceline Monitoring

China: Industrial Plant - RAM2000 OP-FTIR
China: Industrial Plant - RAM2000 OP-FTIR shelter
China Industrial Site: Retro-Reflector Tower
China Industrial Site: Retro-Reflector Tower
China: Industrial Plant - RAM2000 OP-FTIR
China: Industrial Plant - RetroReflector
China Industrial Site: Retro-Reflector Tower
China Industrial Site: Retro-Reflector Tower

Greenhouse Gases   

The RAM2000 was used to monitor background levels of atmospheric gases from prevailing winds off the subequatorial Atlantic Ocean.
Ozone Monitoring on a building rooftop in Seoul, Korea. The RAM2000 collected data corresponding to data collected by Seouls' National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER).
The RAM2000 was set at multiple (one way path) distances ranging from 20 meters up to 1/2 a kilometer to the Retro-Reflector.

Indoor Air Quality

The RAM2000 can be set up to monitor single rooms, long corridors or large warehouses.
The RAM2000 avoids time lost to "grab" samples that have to be sent out to a lab and only measure the moment of time that the sample was collected.

Industrial Facilities

Multiple path fixed installation at an industrial

RAM2000 installed at an un-named Industrial monitoring location in Asia.

RAM2000 installed at an un-named Industrial monitoring location in Asia.

Singlepath fixed installation in Taiwan. Note the liquid nitrogen autofill tank on the right.

Singlepath fixed installation in Taiwan. Note the liquid nitrogen autofill tank on the right.

RAM2000 with an auto-positioner, and an automatic nitrogen fill system being prepared for a fixed installation.

RAM2000 with an auto-positioner, and an automatic nitrogen fill system being prepared for a fixed installation.

Landsfills & Remediation

The RAM2000 has been used to monitor emissions from landfills such as the New York Staten Island landfill.

The RAM2000 has been used to monitor emissions from landfills such as the New York Staten Island landfill.

The RAM2000 is used to document plume transport along the boundary of a former manufactured gas plant (MGP) remediation.

The RAM2000 is used to document plume transport along the boundary of a former manufactured gas plant (MGP) remediation.

The RAM2000 has been used for 10 years for perimeter monitoring at hazardous waste sites. Sites include Superfund emergency removal actions, former MGP, abandoned lagoons, former dumps, and industrial brownfield properties.

The RAM2000 has been used for 10 years for perimeter monitoring at hazardous waste sites. Sites include Superfund emergency removal actions, former MGP, abandoned lagoons, former dumps, and industrial brownfield properties.

RAM2000 used at soil handling site in New York.

RAM2000 used at soil handling site in New York.

Mobile Installations

In 2001, the Mobile Air Toxics Division permanently installed a RAM2000 in a monitoring truck. The system is self-contained including met tower.

In 2001, the Mobile Air Toxics Division permanently installed a RAM2000 in a monitoring truck. The system is self-contained including met tower.

In 2004, a RAM2000 was installed in a light trailer so it could be easily moved around the site, yet closed and locked at the end of the day. The project pictured was located in Bristol, Tennessee. To cover two fence lines a flat mirror was inserted between the retro reflector and RAM2000 sensor. Real time action level compliance was required during soil handling activities. The RAM2000 was moved depending on wind direction.

In 2004, a RAM2000 was installed in a light trailer so it could be easily moved around the site, yet closed and locked at the end of the day. The project pictured was located in Bristol, Tennessee. To cover two fence lines a flat mirror was inserted between the retro reflector and RAM2000 sensor. Real time action level compliance was required during soil handling activities. The RAM2000 was moved depending on wind direction.

The "on" and "off" requirement for air monitoring at large scale remediation make it advantageous to lease equipment for just certain phases of the project. A good example is the Lipari Landfill Remediation. KASSAY provided equipment and services to multiple site contractors spanning several years. At the time of remediation, Lipari was ranked #1 on the Superfund National Priorities List (NPL).

The "on" and "off" requirement for air monitoring at large scale remediation make it advantageous to lease equipment for just certain phases of the project. A good example is the Lipari Landfill Remediation. KASSAY provided equipment and services to multiple site contractors spanning several years. At the time of remediation, Lipari was ranked #1 on the Superfund National Priorities List (NPL).

The RAM2000 shoots out of the side window and is used for the investigation of odors and emissions sources.

The RAM2000 is used to document plume transport along the boundary of a former manufactured gas plant (MGP) remediation.

Daily monitoring was conducted over a three year period by a RAM2000 system set up in a rental truck. The truck was often moved to more strategic locations as the remediation progressed. The entire system including the RAM2000 Tax-Met, PC, and printer ran off of portable generators. When soil handling activities were dormant, the RAM2000 and rental truck were demobilized.

Daily monitoring was conducted over a three year period by a RAM2000 system set up in a rental truck. The truck was often moved to more strategic locations as the remediation progressed. The entire system including the RAM2000 Tax-Met, PC, and printer ran off of portable generators. When soil handling activities were dormant, the RAM2000 and rental truck were demobilized.

Stacks & Flares 

Hot gas exhaust gas monitoring for combustion turbine peaking generators at a New Jersey utility. Both open-path FTIR and UV technologies used.

Daily monitoring was conducted over a three year period by a RAM2000 system set up in a rental truck. The truck was often moved to more strategic locations as the remediation progressed. The entire system including the RAM2000 Tax-Met, PC, and printer ran off of portable generators. When soil handling activities were dormant, the RAM2000 and rental truck were demobilized.

The RAM2000 has been set up to monitor the effluent of stack gases flares and vent ducts.

The RAM2000 has been set up to monitor the effluent of stack gases flares and vent ducts.

Wastewater Treatment

The RAM2000 has been used on several projects spanning 10 years to help assess emissions from all phases of wastewater treatment. Pictured is wastewater treatment plants in New York City.

The RAM2000 has been used on several projects spanning 10 years to help assess emissions from all phases of wastewater treatment. Pictured is wastewater treatment plants in New York City.

The RAM2000 is shooting along tertiary wastewater treatment tanks. The Retro-Reflector is at the far side.

The RAM2000 is shooting along tertiary wastewater treatment tanks. The Retro-Reflector is at the far side.